This weekend I went with some awesome people from my church college ministry to Tennessee for a retreat. It was great and fun and I learned lots of stuff and whatnot BUT that's not the point of this blog. I have another story for you. My friend, Turtlepants**, and I were talking on the bus ride back. Since she was sitting in front of me she turned around so we could talk more easily. Eventually we made a really sharp turn, and I hope you see where this is going. As these things tend to happen, her body wanted to stay in the same position it was in despite the movement of the bus, resulting in Turtlepants hanging onto the chair for dear life. Usually in these circumstances, "dear life" is about a five seconds, but Turtlepants just hung there for a good minute! Finally she fell down and we all laughed about it, because it was just ridiculous.
I tell you this story because as lovely as Turtlepants is she has this curse. Whenever there is a boy who's even semi-attractive or shows some interest she has this problem of embarrassing herself in some way, shape, or form. It's quite hilarious, really. She'll disagree, but it's definitely one of the funniest phenomenons ever. Of course there will be that special boy one day who things all of the things she does is incredible, but until that day comes, it's funny to see how she embarrasses herself. So this shall be a new series. The Chronicles of Turlepants.
**name has been changed to protect privacy AND add hilarity