Tuesday, December 24, 2013


This semester, God has taught me more about Himself than ever before. All of the things He taught me were things I already knew to be true about Him, but it finally clicked why they were such amazing things. One thing He made clear was His never-ending, never-changing, forever-faithful love. As I mentioned in a different blog, I went through a break up this semester. I wish it hadn't affected me the way that it did, but it made me feel very negatively about myself and love in general. It reminded me that people will fail you, and that the things of this earth don't last forever. I realized that unfortunately I had placed some of my identity in this relationship and my hope in his affection for me instead of the love that Christ gives. After everything happened, it became clear to me what it meant for God's love to be unfailing. He will never disappoint me or decide I'm not worth it. His love is not dependent on what I do or do not do, what I look like, or how well I perform whether that is in earthly accomplishments or those of eternal value. He loves me enough that He sent Jesus to die for me so that I might spend eternity with Him. Even if I do find a man to spend my life with on Earth, his love will never be able to compare to Christ's love.

Another huge thing I learned was how amazing God's grace and forgiveness is. As I went through cycles of being "alright" and cycles where I was bitter toward love and figured that I would spend the rest of my life alone with all my cats, I also went through the process of trying to forgive this boy who broke my heart and trust and made me believe things about myself that are not true. Everywhere I looked I was being told to forgive and to give the grace that Christ gives us, and I think I'm finally there, but this is after several months of arguing with myself and trying to make my heart match with what I knew God wanted me to do. As a sinful person, it was so hard for me to give grace and act toward him with love as my brother in Christ. Then I realized, that for God it doesn't take several months. I doesn't even take several hours. Christ's grace showers us immediately and God doesn't love us differently after that, and His feelings towards us are no different. While I was over in my room praying that God would make my flesh forgive him, He already granted me grace and Daniel grace; no questions asked. I think God reminds us of how broken we are to remind us how perfect He is. I can never measure up to how amazing God is, but I can start to show others just a glimpse by giving them the same love and grace that Christ gives me. I'm daily reminded of how amazing God's love is, and how thankful I am that He chose to love a sinner like me.

If any of this confused you, or you have questions, feel free to contact me and we can talk more about it. But the gist is God's love is amazing. The end. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I never realized how much Christian culture was focused on finding "the one" until I became single. All of these books are about how you can find the right guy and how God has you in this place to prepare you for the man you're supposed to be with. It's all so familiar to me, and freshman year I drank it all up. For some reason, it doesn't make sense right now though. My entire life is not to point me to some guy I'll spend it with. Not everything that happens in my life is related to my relationship status. This may seems super clear to y'all, but up until recently I thought of everything in terms of "who will I be with?" or "who will I serve with?". But in reality I lost sight of who God really is. I don't need to find "the one". JESUS is "the One". If my focus is all on what man I'll spend the rest of my life with, then I'm forgetting that I'm already spending my life with Christ. He is beside me every day, He never fails me, He loves me unconditionally, and He'll never leave me. I need to stop wondering who I'll be with and start focusing on who I'm already with. I need to stop being so concerned about who I'll serve with, and start focusing on who I'm serving! The thought that God has made me single in order to point me toward the guy I'm going to marry or even to prepare me in this time for him is so foolish and selfish. I need to draw closer to Christ and make Him what completes me. I will never be satisfied or fulfilled if I rely on someone other than the Lord. And y'all, this is so refreshing to know! I don't need to be worried about what my relationship status will look like. I can just love on my brothers in Christ as just my brothers in Christ. I can grow in my relationship with the Lord and not be so concerned about what He's going to give me in return for my faithfulness. This is... good. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Psalm 37:4 says "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."

I always thought this verse was kind of "prosperity gospel." For those not familiar with the underground vocabulary of a Tumblr Christian, "prosperity gospel" is when preachers or churches take verses from the Bible and twist them to say "If you love Jesus, good things with happen. If you love Jesus, your life will be easy. If you love Jesus, you will get money. If you love Jesus, your business will succeed, etc." That's not the way Christian life is though. We are not guaranteed an easy life. In fact, we are told in the New Testament that the world will hate us because they hated Jesus. So back to that verse up there. I always read it as something to make people feel good, like "delight in the Lord, and He'll give you all the material and worldly things you want." But here's what's different about this verse. When we delight in the Lord, get our joy from Him, then His desires for us, become the desires of our hearts. We desire love and acceptance, justice, peace, joy, etc. When our delight is in Him, and not in the world, those desires overcome the desires of the world. So when we delight in the Lord, He gives us all of those things, and then some. Galatians 5:22-23 says "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Because these are fruits of the Spirit, when we have the Spirit in charge of our life, this is what will come from us. These will be the things our hearts desire.

So awesome, guys! 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

God is so cool, y'all

As an intern, I've had to prepare a lot of devotions and talks that will be done later in the summer. In preparing my talk for last night's youth service, I was basically talking to myself. Everything I said to those students completely applied to my life. As I prepared and read and outlined, God was teaching me without me even realizing it. This happened again as I was preparing devotions for beach camp. Everything I said completely applies to me. When I read back over them, it's like someone else had written them for me to read. I can't even. It's so awesome. And it's just going to keep going. I have three more talks to do and a devotion for a mission trip meeting. God's doing great things, guys. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I seriously never blog anymore. For awhile, I would have sporatic thoughts that didn't require an entire blog post, so I would post those on Tumblr. I have since logged out of Tumblr with little intention of returning. It's not a terrible place, but I wasn't growing in my relationship with Christ in any way being there. So here we are. Back together at last.

I'm doing an internship this summer at my church with the youth group, so basically I help everything happen. I get to go to both beach camps and the mission trip in July. In between, I get to do whatever comes up. I'm not gonna lie, I'm extremely nervous about this. I only attended this church for two years before heading off to college, so I really don't know that many people. I don't know my boss (the youth pastor) very well, because like I said, I wasn't there for very long. I think I'm afraid that the students won't like me. I'm not familiar to them, so I'm worried that they won't respect my "authority" and won't want to hang out with me or talk to me. That seems to silly putting in that context. I, a rising junior in college, am afraid of sixth graders not liking me. Seriously, though, it's been a real worry for me.

But there is good news! My identity is not determined by who likes me! I am not who I am because middle school and high school students approve of me. My identity is found in my salvation through Christ's death on the cross! I am a daughter of God and He loves me. Nothing else matters. It doesn't matter if it turns out that the students don't want to hang out with me, God does, and He is the only One who truly matters. This may sound cheesy, or obvious, or whatever, but as a girl with many insecurities, this is so encouraging. I wish I had known this growing up as much as I do now. I don't need to be accepted by man, and the Bible even tells me that I won't! The world hated Him, and it will hate me. But I am so encouraged by who I am surrounded by thsi summer. I have only heard my youth pastor speak His heart on a few occasions, and tonight I heard his heart for those middle schoolers preparing to go to beach camp. He loves Jesus and is jealous for them to know Him as he does. I cannot wait to work with him and continue to see his heart for the Lord and His ministry!

Seriously, y'all, this summer is going to blow all of my expectations into the trash. God's got better plans.


"If ever I forget my true identity,
  show me who I am, and help me to believe.
You have bought me back with the riches of
Your amazing grace and relentless love.
I'm made alive forever, with you life forever,
By your grace I'm saved!"
   -Citizens "Made Alive"