So I'm not sure if I posted about this or not, but I got a Resident Mentor position for the 2012-2013 school year! I'm in my top residence hall and it's going to be awesome. I'm crazy excited about it!!!
Onto my summer plans. Currently I'm applying to do summer missions in Myrtle Beach. I feel like I've mentioned that here before, but I finally turned in my application and did my interview. I'm really nervous about this and really want to do it. I'm just afraid that I'm not what they're looking for, or I don't have enough experience, or I don't know. I feel like this is what God's calling me to do this summer, but if it's not he'll obviously close the door to that adventure. So... if I come across your mind... just pray about that.
I hope your life is going well. Hope it's interesting enough. Catch ya later :)
Spring Break Countdown: 7 MORE DAYS!!!