Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The other blog for the other story

**disclaimer: I'm not trying to be all omgihaveaboyfriend. I blog about what's on my mind and my heart, and this is where I am right now. so chill out. you don't have to read it if you don't want to. so there.**

In my last blog I said I would save a story for another blog, and I suppose this is that blog. A couple months ago I wrote a blog about going to Chicago, and I compared it to liking someone and wanting to be with them, and then finding out that they like you and want to be with you just as much. Then I said I'd never experienced this completely.


In previous relationships of mine, it's been the whole "omg I think he likes me, I should totes like him and we can be like together forever." (sorority girl voice, Daniel).  Either that, or I really liked him and tried to get friends/myself to convince him that I was worth dating. Guess what happened in all of those relationships? They.ended. *GASP!* What? All of my relationships thus far have ended? Caroline's a fail when it comes to dating? YES. This is all true. I know, it's so surprising, because if you know me you know how smooth I am (btw, it's like... negative smoothness. It's like the bumpiest dirt road you've ever driven on WHILE you have flat tires. yeah. it's that bad.) Well, that was a tangent I didn't expect to go on. ANYWAY!

This relationship is totes different. I've like Daniel for a long time. Like... you don't even know how long. And it's one of those situations where he was just too perfect, you know? Like, in the past, I was all "I can settle for this. He's pretty nice. I can learn to like him. I mean, he likes me. How bad could it be?" BUT there were always those guys (and I'm sure guys can relate to this too about girls) where I was just like, "he is way too good for me. I mean, look at him. He's cute, he's funny, he has tons of friends, he's really nice, and not embarrassing at all. Why would he like me? He deserves someone better. More on his level. I'm too much of a dork. We could only be friends."

You can ask my mom this, or any of my middle school friends, and they'll tell you the same thing. I think soccer players with hair in the JBiebs phase are the coolest. It might have to do with the fact that in middle school, those were the popular boys. They all played soccer and had their hair like that. And they were obviously out of my league. So here's Daniel. He played soccer in high school, he's got the hair thing going on, he's super funny and awesome, and everyone wants to be his friend. So if you've read any of this blog, you can probably understand why I wouldn't think he'd like me. Because honestly, what would a boy like that want with a girl like me. I'm not super skinny, I'm not blonde and popular, and I'm a super dork. So, I'm still in amazement. I don't know when or if this will wear off. I don't feel like I deserve him. If you talk to my bffl Caroline, she'll tell you how all summer I was like "Why would he like me, Caroline? He's too good for me. It won't happen." But you know what... it did. So I'm really happy about it. 

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