Monday, December 28, 2009

New Year

In three days, it'll be a brand new year. So much has happened. I've been through more than I ever thought I could. God showed me that he's working in Lynch, KY and that he wants me to be a part of it. He also showed me that I needed to get out of my comfort zone. He showed me that life can be over in a second. Not only for me, but for my friends as well. What happened to Gary really opened my eyes to what I need to be doing. I can't wait around to share the gospel thinking someone else is going to do it. I need to make the first move. Since this is a New Years blog, I'll put up some of my resolutions. 

1. Daily quiet time with God- I struggle with this. I become "too busy" and make excuses. I've become incredibly lazy, and it's time to stop.
2. Share my faith with my friends. Be prepared for battle. Have a heart not only for people I don't know, but especially the people I do know. 
3. STUDY! I procrastinate, make excuses, and just don't seem to have the drive anymore. It's gong to come back though. And I am going to do well. 
4. The old stand by: get fit. I need to start exercising every day. plus I really need to start eating better. so if you see me eating something fatty and yummy at lunch, SMACK ME!  This belly and thighs are disgusting. 

So what's the theme in all of these? I'M LAZY! I need to get up and do stuff with my life! I need to make a difference! When I die, I want to be remembered as someone who was accomplished and was influential. 

As you can see, I have issues. Wanna help me? please! I beg of you! please help me! I can't do any of these alone. I need some accountability partners! So what do you say? You up for it? 

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Today must have been "Let's make Faucette feel bad about herself" day. There's no other explanation. I know that there are people smarter than me, okay? That doesn't mean that because you are a sophomore and I am a Junior and we happen to be in the same math class does not in anyway mean that I am stupid. Can you not see that we are both in the IB Program? Can you not see the fact that it is still an HONORS class I am in? I am NOT stupid. You may have doubled up freshman year, or had the smarts in 6th grade when you took that placement test, but you are NOT smarter than me!
 Also, I learn differently than other people do. I am white! I am not a super asian! When I'm trying to read in English or in Biology, I have to try to physically block out the sound so I can focus. It's great if you can talk and grasp the concept at the same time! It's also great if you can listen to people talk and still grasp the concept at the same time! Everyone is different though! I can do neither of those things. Today in Biology, we had to  get into groups to do a poster on different sections of the chapter. People were talking and I couldn't get past the first sentence. When I finally finished, my group had met without me AND was done discussing the notes. I didn't even have time to write mine down. Do you know how stupid that made me feel? I know we're in IB and everyone is smart (some smarter than others), but it makes me feel as if I have a learning disability or something! 
And apparently I'm stupid, because I can't do math in my head. Well if that is so, how on EARTH  did I get into this school, huh? And don't you dare tell me that everyone gets accepted because you and I both know that is not true. How on earth do you think I am in NHS if I'm stupid, huh? HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT TO ME?!!!! Exactly. You can't. 
Today on the way home my sister needed help on homework. She's in 8th grade. I KNOW 8th grade Alg. I I can assure you. She passed back the book and asked Maria to help her! I love Maria, I do. And I know she is a genius when it comes to math, but when I asked my sister why she didn't ask me she says, "Well, Maria is actually good at math." Seriously? Seriously?! She IS good at math, but I can be too! So what if I'm not so great in Geometry or Pre-Cal. I'm a BEAST when it comes to Algebra. But she asks Maria. 
So if you couldn't already tell, my day sucked. I am extremely upset. People need to realize that what they say and imply really can hurt people's feelings. Seriously. I am mad, and I'm about to cry, and I feel like I'm the stupidest girl on the face of the earth. and noone tells me differently.