Friday, January 27, 2012


Well this week came and went in a flash. Maybe it's because I was doing something practically every day or the fact that I'm looking forward to next weekend more than this weekend. I have no idea.

Why am I looking forward to next weekend?, you may be asking.

You see there's a conference called Converge that takes place in February in Myrtle Beach every year. It's the state-wide BCM conference. So basically college students from all over the great state of South Carolina will be coming together and going crazy. lol. I'm crazy excited. My older sister was a part of her BCM in college and was telling me that Converge is one of the best experiences ever. I'm also really excited to get to know more people in BCM and such and such. Unfortunately, there's another week ahead of me until I can experience this awesomeness. ARG. It's going to go by super slow too, I bet. Oh time. What an interesting thing. When we wish for it to pass us, it goes even slower.

It's kind of like cars come to think of it. When we're going with the flow it doesn't seem to bother us at all. When we're in a hurry though, we tend to get impatient and get closer to the car in front of us in effort to get it to speed up. Most of the time, though, that car decides to teach you an important virtue and go exactly the speed limit so you can't go faster.

At some point, the driver is over the patience lesson and decides to pass that car in front of them. Although you can't exactly get ahead of time, we do tend to move so fast that we lose the memories (or possible memories depending on how fast you're going) that come with experiencing life alongside time.

This analogy may not have made sense. I had an 8am this morning so I'm basically only awake because of my best friend, coffee. Oh what a guy. It makes sense to me, though, so... yeah. Maybe you just need some sleep deprivation and coffee.

Also, I'm regrettably never this eloquent (if you call this eloquent) in person. All I say is "herp derp derp, Harry Potter. herp herpity derp, I'm so fat." yeah. That's my life.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

This post is the result of a very tired Caroline

I have an 8am discussion class tomorrow for history which also happens to include a quiz. I am currently reading the material from this week and it is the longest and most uninteresting chapter in the book I swear. I wasted some time doing some laundry, but then discovered how tired I truly am. Now I am drinking some Coke in desperation to stay awake long enough to read this crap. I am afraid, however, that drinking the Coke will cause me to stay away longer than planned and I will become so tired when I finally go to sleep that I will end up sleeping through my class. That would happen to me. That's my luck. Well... Let's see how this goes...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

It's Saturday and I haven't blogged yet this week

Wow. So this week I went back to school and started my new classes for the semester. Let me just say that I feel super smart in the majority of my classes. Like you know when you're in high school and you're in all honors/AP/IB classes and then you have to take that one CP class because that's the only level they offer? You know how smart you feel in that class and how everyone looks at you like "omg she is such a genius". Yeah. That's kind of my life currently. Stat 110 apparently has very little to do with actual math. Right now we're discussing the different parts in experiments. Ex. So and so is doing an experiment on plots of land. He puts fertilizers a, b, and c in the different plots and measures the wheat yield. What is the individual and what are the variables?

Easy, right? Most of this reminds me of Psychology and it's amazing. I'm also taking Elementary Math, because I kind of need it if I want to teach elementary school. but ANYWAY, yesterday we were going over some problem solving things and while a lot of people drew pictures and did guess and check (which are both perfectly fine and useful and I do them too) I made a system of equations. Stuff we did in 8th grade you know? I got up and explained what I did, which was no big deal, get back to my seat, and the girl sitting next to me asks me if I'm a math major. If you know me, you know how funny that question really is. Seriously, though, I feel like the smartest kid ever. It's pretty great.

As for my other classes, Bio isn't that bad so far. We don't start labs for another week, so all we've done so far is take notes. I have some friends in the lecture so I always have someone to sit with and I don't need to worry about finding a study group or whatever. I'm also taking an education course about "information literacy". Basically we're discussing how to use the library and other resources in our lesson plans and teaching strategies. It's pretty boring so far, but then again I've only had 2 classes. Next week we're going to the Edventure Museum for the frees which is CRAZY EXCITING! The last class I'm taking is American History post Civil War. It's interesting enough. My professor uses a lot of video to keep our attention. I can't wait until our discussion classes though, because I want to ARGUE! My professor did the stereotypical "Slavery was the cause of the civil war" thing. He even highlighted parts of the succession letters and showed how the main reason for succession was slavery. He did not discuss, however, that most families in the south did not have slaves because they were too poor. He barely went over that it was about state's rights in all ways, not just slavery. arg. Just wait until next Friday, Mr. TA. We're going to have a lovely discussion about the winners writing the history books.

So that's been my week. We'll see how the rest of the semester goes. Oh my goodness I almost forgot. I did zumba 2 times this week. My muscles are super sore. I don't even know how I can still walk. Seriously. Well have an awesome week! Hopefully next week I won't wait until the last minute to blog. psh who am I kidding? Of course I'm going to wait until the last minute.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Passion 2012

Oh how I wish I was in Atlanta right now. Luckily for me, they livestream every session online so I can still watch. So far it's been amazing!!!

For those who have no idea what Passion is, it's a Christian conference for 18-25 year olds. I don't know if they always have it in Atlanta, but that's where it is this year. It's led by Passion City Church whose pastor is Louie Giglio and worship leader is Chris Tomlin. They also usually have Kristian Stanfill and Hillsong as worship leaders. For speakers they have Beth Moore, Francis Chan, and a few others.

I would have gone this year, but it kind of costs over $200. I honestly just didn't have that money this year. I think next year I'm going to try to go, but it all depends on if I'm an RM or not. RM's have to move in early to campus, so I'm afraid if I get the job I won't be able to go. I will make it a priority to go to Passion at least once in my college career.

Watching it online has been so amazing! They're raising money for prevention, freedom, and recovery from human trafficking. It's so amazing because I just did a paper on human trafficking and what can be done to solve the problem. Did you know that there are more slaves in the world today than ever in history? How crazy insane is that?! I have loved every.single.thing I have heard. Obviously I wish I could be a part of every aspect that's going on, but I'm glad I have the ability to be involved in the worship and hear the sessions along with over 45,000 college students.

If you ever have the opportunity to go, GO!!! Don't even hesitate. It'll change your life. And if you want to tune in, the live stream is at