Monday, October 31, 2011


Why is October 31st a holiday? I mean, candy's cool, but why is there a holiday about it? Obviously, I don't care too much for Halloween. I wasn't allowed to trick or treat until 7th grade, and then I was a little old to be doing that. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE fall! I love carving pumpkins and going on hay rides and the smell of Bath and Body Works' Fresh Market Apple hand sanitizer! The problem arises when scary movies, slutty costumes, and alcohol are thrown into the mix. To quote one of the best movies of all time, "Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it". Degrading much? Those girls who go dress like that and then get upset when a boy doesn't treat them with respect need a good slap in the head to get back to their senses. As for what I'm doing this Halloween, I will be studying for an exam I have in the morning and then go to praise band practice. I might even slurge and get some Reeces Cups. ohhhhh man. I'm gonna party hard tonight.

So... Happy Halloween :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Giving God the Pen

I tend to have this habit of having crushes on boys and then having my heart broken before a relationship even starts. I try to go out and pursue these possible relationships and boyfriends that only end in disappointment.
Well, while talking to my Bible study leader tonight I decided that I'm going to give God the pen. What does that mean? Well hang on a sec and I'll tell you :) Instead of me writing my love story and trying to be in control, I'm letting God have full control over it. I hear all the time people talking about surrendering your life to God, and I've done that for sure. It's definitely a constant thing, though, and one thing I think I try to hold on to is my love life. In the world we live in everyone thinks that having a boyfriend/girlfriend is what we need to focus our thoughts on. I didn't even realize this until recently, but this coming Christmas is going to be the first Christmas in a VERY long time where I don't have a boyfriend. Honestly, I'm super excited about it! I don't have to worry about what to get him and if he'll like it and who's family I'm spending time with on Christmas day. I'm so excited to have a relaxing day with my family and remembering what a great gift God gave us!
What I'm trying to say, and don't know if I'm actually getting this through, is that I need to guard my heart. I can't just allow any guy to build up my hopes. When the right guy comes along, he'll come after me. I won't need to chase him or try to impress him, because... it'll just be right. I'm so excited for that day to come, but for now, I'm giving God the pen. He's going to write something far more beautiful than I could ever hope to imagine. :)

Goodnight internet world <3

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


So I'm actually going to make a vlog about this, too, but... yeah.
Well when my ex-boyfriend Chris and I were dating pretty much all we did was walk downtown. So this one time we're walking around and we pass this man sitting on a bench and he looked like he had been crying. I was saying "Oh my gosh. I hope he's ok. I wonder what's wrong!" and Chris says, "Maybe he got stung by a bee in the face..."

All I could think of was how insensitive he was being and said, "OR maybe he just lost his job or his wife filed for divorce or he found out that a family member died!"

And what does he say? "or... maybe... he got stung by a bee... in the face..."

So the other day I was telling my roommate this story because it was somehow relevant to what we were talking about, and she just could NOT stop laughing. So we've decided to try and make it a meme. Example:
Picture of a little girl crying with an ice cream cone on the ground next to her
Y U Crying?
Bee Sting to da face??

Personally, I think it could be a hit. lol. :)