Tuesday, October 18, 2011


So I'm actually going to make a vlog about this, too, but... yeah.
Well when my ex-boyfriend Chris and I were dating pretty much all we did was walk downtown. So this one time we're walking around and we pass this man sitting on a bench and he looked like he had been crying. I was saying "Oh my gosh. I hope he's ok. I wonder what's wrong!" and Chris says, "Maybe he got stung by a bee in the face..."

All I could think of was how insensitive he was being and said, "OR maybe he just lost his job or his wife filed for divorce or he found out that a family member died!"

And what does he say? "or... maybe... he got stung by a bee... in the face..."

So the other day I was telling my roommate this story because it was somehow relevant to what we were talking about, and she just could NOT stop laughing. So we've decided to try and make it a meme. Example:
Picture of a little girl crying with an ice cream cone on the ground next to her
Y U Crying?
Bee Sting to da face??

Personally, I think it could be a hit. lol. :)

1 comment:

  1. OMG. I can't stop laughing every time I see this...Thanks, Chris.
