Monday, October 31, 2011


Why is October 31st a holiday? I mean, candy's cool, but why is there a holiday about it? Obviously, I don't care too much for Halloween. I wasn't allowed to trick or treat until 7th grade, and then I was a little old to be doing that. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE fall! I love carving pumpkins and going on hay rides and the smell of Bath and Body Works' Fresh Market Apple hand sanitizer! The problem arises when scary movies, slutty costumes, and alcohol are thrown into the mix. To quote one of the best movies of all time, "Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it". Degrading much? Those girls who go dress like that and then get upset when a boy doesn't treat them with respect need a good slap in the head to get back to their senses. As for what I'm doing this Halloween, I will be studying for an exam I have in the morning and then go to praise band practice. I might even slurge and get some Reeces Cups. ohhhhh man. I'm gonna party hard tonight.

So... Happy Halloween :)

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