Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Passion 2012

Oh how I wish I was in Atlanta right now. Luckily for me, they livestream every session online so I can still watch. So far it's been amazing!!!

For those who have no idea what Passion is, it's a Christian conference for 18-25 year olds. I don't know if they always have it in Atlanta, but that's where it is this year. It's led by Passion City Church whose pastor is Louie Giglio and worship leader is Chris Tomlin. They also usually have Kristian Stanfill and Hillsong as worship leaders. For speakers they have Beth Moore, Francis Chan, and a few others.

I would have gone this year, but it kind of costs over $200. I honestly just didn't have that money this year. I think next year I'm going to try to go, but it all depends on if I'm an RM or not. RM's have to move in early to campus, so I'm afraid if I get the job I won't be able to go. I will make it a priority to go to Passion at least once in my college career.

Watching it online has been so amazing! They're raising money for prevention, freedom, and recovery from human trafficking. It's so amazing because I just did a paper on human trafficking and what can be done to solve the problem. Did you know that there are more slaves in the world today than ever in history? How crazy insane is that?! I have loved every.single.thing I have heard. Obviously I wish I could be a part of every aspect that's going on, but I'm glad I have the ability to be involved in the worship and hear the sessions along with over 45,000 college students.

If you ever have the opportunity to go, GO!!! Don't even hesitate. It'll change your life. And if you want to tune in, the live stream is at http://live.268generation.com/passion_sessions/session-four/

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