Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Obviously I'm going to do a stereotypical new years blog post. Who doesn't love those, right?

Well in the year 2011, I graduated from high school, started attending my dream college, started living on my own (ah!), got involved with campus ministries, made so many new friends, and discovered more about myself and what I want for my future.

Going off to college made me become more independent. I also learned that I don't need to constantly be surrounded by people. Being with friends is nice, but so is having alone time to focus and think. I've also discovered that church in college is way different than church in high school. In high school, kids go to church because their parents want them to and you can't really determine who is there for the right reason. In college, if you don't want to go to church, you don't go. Everyone is so much more genuine and I LOVE it.

I also discovered that I want to eventually teach children with learning disabilities (aka special education). I've had opportunities this year that were totally God given that showed me that he can really use me in ways that are out of my control.

I have made new friends that influence me in a positive way and we all have a love for God. It has been so amazing to go from my high school friends which included a couple of Christians, to my college friends who I met from church related events and activities. I love love love it :)

So honestly, 2011 rocked. I know that 2012 will be even better, because I'll make it that way. Nothing is great unless you are determined it will be great. Will I keep my resolutions? We'll see. I'm more focused on how well I let God be in control of my life. So far he's doing an amazing job.

Happy New Year, guys! I hope 2012 is as amazing for you as 2011 was for me!

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