Friday, July 8, 2011


Guess who's excited for college!!!! oh you give up? Fine fine! Stop begging I'll tell you! ME! You know what else I'm excited about? This post not derping and ending up in some crazy foreign language. Seriously I don't know what happened with that mess. But I'm also excited about my youth group's mission trip to Baltimore. I'm excited to see what God's going to do up there. I'm excited to go for a walk this morning with my beloved friend. I'm excited about going to sleep whenever I'm able to do that. I'm excited about babysitting some fantastic kids next week. I'm excited about getting paid. I'm excited for getting college stuff for my dorm room. I'm excited that my roommate and I don't have suitemates. I'm excited about painting my nails tomorrow. I'm excited about the coffee that will be waiting for me when I wake up later this morning. I'm excited about cleaning out my clothes. I'm excited for spending the money I make babysitting next week on cute clothes for college. I'm excited to meet a million (exaggeration) of people when I head to USC. I'm excited for the second part of the 7th Harry Potter movie to come out. I'm excited to see where God leads me in this life.

Next time you're feeling down about something, try doing this. It's helping me a bit. :)

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