Thursday, February 2, 2012


Converge is super super soon and I'm super super excited.

So anyways. Every Wednesday night a group of people go out to the Horseshoe and sing worship music and such. So tonight, just like any other Wednesday night, I went out there with a bunch of my friends. So we start singing and a guy passes by and says "We're stupid! We believe!", which of course didn't stop us from praising God. Then he starts yelling and cussing say things like "You're wasting your life!" etc., etc. After we finished the song we were singing we prayed for him and two of the guys from our group went to talk to him. I have no idea what happened with him personally, but it kind of became a focus of our worship time. We began to think of how lucky we are to live in a country where that's just about the worst of the persecution we could receive for doing what we were doing. In other countries, we could be murdered or put in jail for publicly worshiping Jesus. My high school experience taught me that not everyone is going to be happy that I'm a Christian, and some people are very violent with their opinions. For some people, though, I suppose that was their first experience with something like that. All I can do is pray for him and his situation.

Another thing I thought was particularly amazing is that when we went out there it was raining, so we were going to move to this guy's house and do it. When it stopped raining, we decided to stay outside. If it hadn't stopped raining, he wouldn't have been able to walk by and hear us singing. If he hadn't heard us singing, he wouldn't have been able to yell at us. If he hadn't have yelled at us, those two guys wouldn't have been able to go talk to him and witness to him. All of this because it stopped raining. Amazing.

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