Friday, March 30, 2012


I am constantly being humbled. Not only am I humbled in my interactions with other people, but I'm reminded that I am nothing compared to God. I have not accomplished anything in comparison to (well lots of people) everything God has done. In almost every song I listen to I am reminded of reality. For example, in the song "Give Me Faith", the lyrics of the bridge go something like this: I may be weak, but your Spirit's strong in me My flesh may fail, but my God you never will! This not only reminds me of how dependent we are on God, but how God can completely consume us and make us do a 180. I look back through time and history and the men God used were otherwise nothing. They only became something great and memorable because God consumed them. In all honesty, we are all worthless without Christ. We are sinful and evil people who deserve Hell. My education, my accomplishments, my "wealth": none of that makes a difference in my amount of worth. My identity is in Christ and him alone. Of course I forget that from time to time. I get so caught up in how I can change my looks in order to give myself worth. I stress out over homework and making myself seem smarter than I already am so I can gain the approval of my peers both in college and from high school. I've tried to find my worth in boys and relationships, but none of these things can give me true worth. Only Christ and his grace and mercy can do that. and thank you, God, for that. Otherwise I'd be absolutely hopeless.

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